Staying Overnight in Potsdam

Frederick the Great built the Sanssouci palace in order to live here "without a care." Our visitors today can also still be "sans souci" (French for "without a care") in Potsdam. Though today's guests are not able to sleep in the Sanssouci palace, there are still wide-ranging possibilities for your overnight stay: from the Cecilienhof Palace Hotel and the five-star Bavarian House to a simple bed in one of our youth hostels.

Eighteen hotels, six bed and breakfast hotels, four boarding houses, two recreation and holiday homes, and two youth hostels offer a total of almost 4,000 beds. Additionally, a camping site offers 170 spaces and 70 permanent parking places for caravans.

A good recommendation for backpackers or families, students or classes is
Youth Hostel Potsdam
Schulstraße 9
14482 Potsdam - Babelsberg
Mrs. Marion Hännes'chen
Mr. Ingolf Keil

phone: +49 331 5813-100
fax: +49 331 5813-111
Lvb Berlin-Brandenburg
152 in 44 rooms

Prices 2014 (incl. bed linen)
B&B from 17,50 €
half board from 23,50 €
full board from 29,50 €