Romantic weavers' cottages and streets named Tuchmacher (Clothworker street), Garn (Yarn street), and Spindel (Spindle street) are reminiscent of the old weavers colony Nowawes. The colony was built upon request of Frederick II, and it was Bohemian Protestants, given assurance of religious freedom and no taxation, who settled here )today's Babelsberg) after 1750.
The Weberplatz square, with the Friedenskirche (the Peace church) was and still is the center of this settlement. This house of God was built in 1752-53 from Johann Boumann's plans. The architect also designed the Holländischen Viertels - the Dutch Quarter. At one time, mulberry trees, which were used for the breeding of silkworms, were planted around the Weberplatz square and along the neighbouring streets. Today you will find a jumble sale and farmer's market here on weekends. In the Nowaweser Weberstube museum in Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, 23 documents are shown about the life and work of the weavers, and a history of the development of this quarter of the city up to the year 1930. The name 'Nowa ves' can be translated as 'new village'.
Nowaweser Weberstube Museum
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 23
14482 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 - 70 70 59
Opening hours:
Nowaweser Weberstube: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm - 4pm, and by appointment
Admission prices:
Free entry, donations welcome