Vocational schools in Potsdam

The three Oberstufenzentren (OSZ - upper school centers) in Potsdam, the "Theodor Hoppe" special-pedagogic vocational school, and other independent vocational schools offer courses in vocational training.

The focus of training at the OSZ I is on technology and economy, while administration is the focus at the OSZ II. At the OSZ III lectures are given on nutrition/domestic science, health, and social matters. The "Theodor Hoppe" special-pedagogic vocational school is open for young people with handicaps. Training courses are offered here on economics/administration, metal technology, wood engineering, printing technology, nutrition/domestic science, and orthopaedics.

Stadtverwaltung der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Bereich Schule
Hegelallee 6-8, Haus 5
14461 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 - 289 1874
Fax: +49 (0)331 - 289 1870

Staatliches Schulamt (state supervisory school authority)
Brandenburg an der Havel
Kirchhofstraße 1-2
14776 Brandenburg
Phone: +49 (0)3381 - 7930 - 134
Fax: +49 (0)3381 - 7930 - 299