Students‘ cultural centre in the Elflein yards

Potsdam's students struggled for it for many years and now their efforts have been rewarded: in the future there will be a Potsdam students' cultural center in the Elflein yards in Hermann-Elflein-Straße. The yards are in an excellent location, with its half-timbered, baroque and brick buildings, whose charm can't be ignored. Furthermore, the buildings' interiors permit the realization of all the students' ideas and implementation of their existing concepts. The Elflein cultural center is to be a place where the students' experience of life, their dreams, and ideas can all be turned into reality.

Although the cultural center itself is still under construction, it is working in close co-operation with the Offenen Kunstverein (open art club), which runs the KunstWerk, and with the self-help, information, and contact center (SEKIZ). The representative body of the students, the Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AstA - general students' board) of Potsdam University has already moved into office rooms occupying a floor space of 100 square meters. Students can come here to get advice regarding Bafög (financial grants), social issues, the semester transportation ticket, and legal matters. Alongside tombola events, the AStA regularly organizes movie screenings, readings, cabaret, etc., every Monday in the KunstWerk building in Hermann-Elflein-Strasse 10.

A student club, seminar, workshop, and working areas will be developed in co-operation with the Offener Kunstverein e.V. - Open Art Association - utilizing some 900 square meters of floor space and exhibit spaces in the buildings, and a venue with a small stage, with an adjacent photography development lab and practice rooms for bands is also planned.

The cultural center will attract students to make the journey from their schools into the city center contributing to a more colorful image of the city and also helping the world at large to notice Potsdam's reputation as a city for students. The cultural center will also offer a place where meetings between students and Potsdamers outside the bounds of the academic world are possible since the cultural center is open for all. The cultural center is financed by funds from the State of Brandenburg, the Federal government, and the European Union.

Studentisches Kulturzentrum
Hermann-Elflein-Str. 10
14467 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 - 200 83 50