Potsdam: The loveliest place for bright minds

Foto: HPI / K. Herschelmann
© HPI / K. Herschelmann

As a think-tank, dream-generator or future-oriented laboratory: Potsdam has a power of attraction and is an inspiring place to be. It's also a growing city with creative potential. World heritage sites, high-tech, Brandenburg's culture-landscape and Mediterranean charm all flow together here. Potsdam is a lively city that is rich in tradition, so people really enjoy living and working here. It is one of the most family-friendly cities in the country and has the highest standard of living in eastern Germany. Potsdam: this is a city of 150,000 highly-qualified, motivated, cosmopolitan and tolerant people.

Potsdam is a highly-dynamic and well-situated business hub in addition to being a growing regional center with excellent prospects for the future. The interaction of science and research here has led to the accrual of business expertise across the board, which in turn has given Potsdam its own unique future-oriented profile as a prime location for industries such as film and media, software and IT, and geo-information. In addition, the automotive, life-science and bio-technology industries are also well represented here. Other pillars in the economy include a broad-ranged service sector and a booming tourist industry.

Small and medium-sized businesses form the backbone of Potsdam, the state's capitol city. These companies are flexible, innovative and successful. Potsdam has a network of business-oriented technology and start-up centers along with a broad range of consulting and support services. This provides ideal starting conditions for innovative companies, scientifically-oriented start-ups and people wanting to set up their own businesses. Potsdam as a scientific center is on the road to success - and there are good reasons for that!

Potsdam offers excellent conditions for investments. An investor will find a high standard of living in Potsdam, which is here just a stone's throw away from metropolitan Berlin. He will also find optimal operating conditions, a highly-qualified labor force as well as a wide spectrum of interesting business opportunities.

Potsdam: a good place for good ideas.
Potsdam warmly welcomes you