- is the contact person for all Potsdam women and men, girls and boys regarding gender-specific problems
- counsels men and women experiencing problems with the compatibility of work and family, as well as work and care
- designs concepts and develops ideas to eliminate existing disadvantages for men and women on the spot
- takes part in projects, decisions, programs and measures which affect equalities
- gives advice to the members of the city council and the city's administration officers regarding all measures from the standpoint of equalities
- formulates opinions in regard to gender-specific questions in drafts of guidelines presented by the council
- contributes to the processes for filling vacancies in the city administration and supports and initiates projects for elimination of structural disadvantages for women
- works on behalf of and in co-operation with women and girls and their representatives on a local basis and supports their networking
- represents the interests of people with homosexual life styles, as well as bisexual and transgender life styles
- counsels and supports those affected in all cases of sexual harassment, violence, mobbing
- pursues an active public relations programme in order to enhance awareness in general
Should you wish personal counselling or information, or if you have suggestions, then please get in contact with the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity. These discussions will naturally be dealt with confidentially.
Telephon: +49 331 289-1080
Email: martina.trauth-koschnick@rathaus.potsdam.de
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 79/81
Zimmer 2.015