Child care in Potsdam

Children are well-looked after in Potsdam. Childcare is offered for children from infants up to 12 years of age.

Seventy-one crèches, kindergartens, and day nurseries are run by 26 independent organizations or by the municipality. Programs for the three different age groups are often found in the same location, although 14 of the after-school day nurseries have their own facilities.

All crèches and kindergartens are open for children of every cultural origin and religious background. Some of the facilities are operated under the special pedagogic systems of Waldorf or Montessori. There are also five integration kindergartens, three special-support day nurseries, and a special kindergarten.

There are also 19 people who are professionally qualified in day-care in Potsdam. They provide care especially for children up to two years old. The Youth Welfare Office is ready to assist you with any questions and will investigate claims for a place in a kindergarten or day nursery.