Background info about compulsory school attendance

Compulsory school attendance for children who have had their sixth birthday before July 1st begins on August 1st of the same calendar year.

It should be noted that this regulation has been changed so that the following becomes effective for applications beginning with the school year 2005/2006:

From that date, compulsory school attendance for children who reach their seventh birthday by September 30th begins on August 1st of the same calendar year.

The child must be registered in the primary school, or comprehensive school with a primary department, with jurisdiction for that area. In exceptional cases, which can be justified, the state school authority, in co-operation with the authority operating the school and upon application with the director of the responsible school, can give permission for school attendance at another school. If the application regarding school attendance is filed with a school which is operated independently, then the primary school with jurisdiction should be informed about it.

Prior to the compulsory school attendance, all children are obliged to take part in a physical examination conducted by school doctors organized by the local health authority.