His real name was Georg Belitz, and he was a Protestant clergyman. Born a Saxon, from the Belzig region, he became the editor of a monthly publication in 1725: "Poetic newspapers, consisting of short poems and headlines on the curiosities found in the weekly gazettes".
He made a bad impression with some satires about France. Perhaps the members of the King’s Tobacco Collegium laughed about them (in 1725 Louis XV had returned the Spanish infanta - who he should have married - to her father), but he was made aware of a certain "Preßmaßregelung" (censorship). In his book of 1727 "Das itzt-bluehende Potsdam" (The Currently Blooming Potsdam), quoted here, he apologises for "some suggestive words" and the "sharpness" of his pen.
In the years 1726-7 he was tutor (Informator) to the children of the Master von Hacke of Uetz, today a district of Potsdam. His name appears in the records again in 1746, when he, "Wohlverdienter Diaconus" (well-deserved deacon), married in Niemegk. It can only be assumed that he was a military clergyman between 1727 and 1746 and possibly also later. Neither his date of birth nor death are known.