Touring the Havel River City by Bike

    Potsdam is an excellent place for cyclists: The route Alter Fritz (Old Fritz) stretches for 17 kilometres and is signposted with 'F1'. You can learn a great deal about the city and its attractive surroundings along this route. You will see almost all the important sights on the round trip - the Marstall Royal Stables, the Mosque, Schloss Sanssouci palace, the New Chambers, the Neuer Palais, and of course, the historic residential quarters. The only areas where cyclists are not permitted are in the historic parks: Sanssouci park, Neuen Garten, and Babelsberg park, which are reserved exclusively for visiting by foot. However, you will certainly enjoy discovering the BUGA park by bike, and the new pathways across the restored meadowlands are inviting for both cycling and relaxation. You can also use Potsdam as a springboard to explore its attractive surrounding areas by bicycle, for example Werder - the Blütenstadt (City of Blossoms) - and Ferch and Caputh, villages along the banks of the Schwielowsee lake.

    Potsdam is part of the 'R1' European cycle path. This route goes from France, via the Benelux countries, into Germany, Poland, and the Baltic countries, and on to St. Petersburg in Russia. From Potsdam, you may cycle to Berlin along the R1, but you many also travel in the other direction across the Fläming region to the neighbouring state of Saxony-Anhalt. And, of course, the R1 cycle path is signposted.

    Potsdam is very hospitable to bicyclists. Many new cycle paths have been constructed in recent years, and almost all hotels provide loaner bicycles to their guests. In addition, there are bicycle rentals with facilities at the Griebnitzsee station and at Potsdam's main station, just to name two.