Schloss Sanssouci - Sanssouci Palace

The Sanssouci palace was the summer residence of Frederick the Great. Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff built it above the terraced vineyard from 1745 to 1747 following the King's ideas and sketches. The palace is considered the major work of Rococo architecture in Germany. Paintings by Watteau, Panini and Pesne are on exhibit in the picture gallery.

Park Sanssouci
14469 Potsdam
Tel: +49 (0)331 - 9 69 41 90

Opening hours:
April 1 - October 31: Tuesday - Sunday, 9am - 5pm
November 1 - March 31: Tuesday - Sunday, 9am - 4pm

Admission prices:
8.00 EUR (5.00 reduced), with guide only