The primary schools in Potsdam offer six years of courses

The primary schools give lessons for the school years one through six which are normally structured in classes. By giving special subject lessons, as well as lessons in overlapping subjects, these schools provide a basic education and build the fundamentals for the further education in secondary school level I.

Teaching in school years one and two can be conducted in a flexible manner, i.e. pupils of the first two school years can learn together. From the third school year a foreign language is taught. Lessons in the school years five and six are given for the whole class or for limited periods for special learning groups, which are differentiated according to abilities and inclinations.

In order to ensure that schooling for the pupils of primary schools is near to the residential areas, the school administration office determines school districts for the primary schools funded by the municipality. The regulations concerning this allocation of school districts has been published in the official gazette 14/2001 of the state capital city of Potsdam. It can be viewed in the administration library in the Stadthaus - council office building - at Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 79/81.