Potsdam Start-up Service

    Your first point-of-contact

    Everything is tough at the start! Starting a new business can only be successful if one thinks through and carefully executes his plans. In order to be optimally prepared with all the necessary information on starting a business in your choice of locations, the Potsdam Start-up Service of the capitol city of Potsdam, the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts will gladly advise you.

    What we offer:

    • Initial information and an orientation consultation: standardized and location-relevant
    • free business start-up hotline: 0800-66 45 250
    • "Starting a Business in Potsdam" guidelines - advice on starting a business
    • calendar of events: overview of events in Potsdam relevant to business start-ups
    • paperwork service: help with the most important registration formalities
    • online platform: www.gruenden-in-potsdam.de

    The Potsdam Start-up Service has a wealth of professional experience and is widely accepted and used; it makes more than 1,000 contacts and conducts several hundred consultations per year.

    Landeshauptstadt Potsdam | Start-up Service
    Capital city of Potsdam | GründerService

    Your points-of-contact are:
    Frau Uta Meng, Herr Oliver Wollmann,
    Herr Oliver Latt, Herr Florian F. Fuchs