Potsdam Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt - Shipbuilding Research Station

Shipbuilding and navigation in the sands of the Brandenburg Marches are certainly out of the ordinary for most of us. The facts however, are not to be dismissed. The Potsdam Shipbuilding Research Station (SVA) has already been at work for 50 years just outside Potsdam in industry-related research assignments in the fields of marine hydrodynamics, hydraulic engineering and transport, and communications, and thus provides assistance for the development of new industrial products. During these years, the SVA was involved in the design of 735 fishing vessels, for example.

Highly-specialized experts and a modern, efficient technical installation in its own testing facility, as well as close contact with numerous other institutes, universities and technical colleges have been the basis for the SVA's international reputation as a research and consulting center for the shipbuilding industry.

Particularly impressive for visitors is the in-house "ocean": the SVA had a water-filled towing tank built in the March's sands for trials with models. The model tank is 280 meters long, 9 meters wide and 4.5 meters deep!

Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt Potsdam GmbH (SVA)
Marquardter Chaussee 100
14469 Potsdam