Potsdam – City of sports and Olympic athletes

The center of competitive sports in Potsdam is the Luftschiffhafen - former airship station - where more than 20 hectares are dedicated to sports and leisure. It is the home of Potsdam's Olympic support and of the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn sports school. Some of the successful Potsdam sports clubs that make their home in the Luftschiffhafen are: the Potsdamer Rudergesellschaft e.V. (rowing club), Kanuclub in the Olympic Sportclub Potsdam e.V. (canoeing), and Sportclub Potsdam e.V.

Well-known athletes, among them Katrin Boron, Birgit Fischer, Jörg Hoffmann, Udo Beyer, Kevin Kuske, Carsten Embach, Katrin Wagner, Manuela Mucke, Toni Helbig, and many more help distinguish the competitive sports scene in Potsdam.