Potsdam Arcadias

The "Potsdam Arcadias" is a summer cultural program, which has been organized as a regular feature of the Potsdam cultural scene for a number of years.

You can enjoy theater, music, cabaret, readings, and exhibits on the Freundschaftsinsel (Friendship Island), in the Babelsberg park, and the city center.

The broad range of events offered is designed to arouse the interest of both residents, as well as guests of the city, in the urbane living space of Potsdam.

Address of the organizer and co-operative partners:
Stadtverwaltung Potsdam
Bereich Kulturkooperation (Cultural co-operation department)
Hegelallee 9
14467 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 - 289 1944
Fax: +49 (0)331 - 289 3113