Other libraries

    Libraries of the government administrations in Potsdam

    Because of the many ministries and their offices in the state capital of Potsdam, there are also a number of libraries maintained by the government administrations. To name just a few, there are the libraries of the State Authorities for Data Processing and Statistics, for Geo-sciences and Raw Materials and of the Brandenburg State Office for Environment. The Ministries for Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Women, as well as for Urban Development, Housing, and Transportation also have their own libraries.

    Special reference should be made of the State of Brandenburg Office for Public Libraries, which is a service center providing help and information regarding all questions concerning library management for all communal libraries in the State of Brandenburg.

    Specialised libraries

    Of course you will find an extensive selection of specialized libraries in Potsdam, the city of sciences. There are 17 specialized libraries available for the scientifically-minded. The spectrum ranges from relatively small libraries - such as the library of the Moses Mendelssohn center for European-Jewish studies with some 10,000 books -to libraries with an enormous stock, e.g. the Library of the Military-History Research Office with about 230,000 volumes.

    What they all have in common is the unrestricted access to the entire stock which is afforded to every scientist.

    Education and research libraries

    The numerous education and research libraries in Potsdam are open to everybody. The university library has the largest stock of scientific media in the State of Brandenburg. The library at the Konrad Wolf College for Film and Television is one of the most modern in Europe, in terms of its structure and design. The library of the Potsdam College is a highly-integrated service facility.

    The libraries are naturally focused on those areas representing the research and teaching subjects of their respective colleges, and they also are located at the same sites which are distributed across the entire city. In addition to the specialist literature, they also offer access to online journals, databases, and media archives.