The Institute for Information and Documentation

The Institute for Information and Documentation (IID) is a core scientific facility of the Potsdam Technical College. Since 1982, it has offered further practical training, at work with the state-approved certificate, as a qualified "scientific documentarian / information specialist." It is the only training center of its kind in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The IID follows in the long tradition established by the Teaching Institute for Documentation (LID), which was based in Frankfurt am Main, and from 1967 until its end in 1991, undertook with great zeal the task of the further training of scientific specialists as scientific documentarians. The LID was sponsored by the German Documentation Institute (DGD), known today as the German Body for Information Science and Information Practice (DGI).

With the status of a core scientific facility, the IID has established itself as a training institution, which is recognized and esteemed in its profession. The IID is operated under the direction of a three-person directorate who delegate the day-to-day management to the institute.

Institut für Information und Dokumentation
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 4
14467 Potsdam
Telephone: +49 (0)331 - 580 24 10