The Institute for Cereal Processing

The Institute for Cereal Processing has a tradition stretching out more than 40 years. Particularly during the past 15 years, the institute gained national and international recognition as a partner with industry due to its extensive scientific services. With its diverse activities, it provides an important contribution to the maintenance and stabilization of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.

Today in its premises in Bergholz-Rehbrücke, food technologists, chemists and food chemists, biologists, microbiologists, biochemists, and engineers are some of the more than 100 employees of the institute working on scientific projects, service and consultation operations, and technology transfer.

The main focus of operations is to fashion efficient product and process innovations. For this aim, the traditional areas of work, such as analytics, cereal processing, and bakery goods production, are supplemented by algae biotechnology and the use of re-grown raw materials in the non-food area. The research and development of products and processes for healthy nutrition will continue to remain at the center of the institute's work long into the future.

In the course the institute's operations, the search for solutions for innovative, efficient, non-stop and non-polluting processes in the manufacture of bakery products and food production, plays a decisive role in determining the institute's functions.

Institut für Getreideverarbeitung
Arthur-Scheunert-Allee 40
14558 Bergholz-Rehbrücke