The Havel Lakes

Get acquainted with the island of Potsdam from a completely different perspective. You have the possibility to scout out the Potsdam cultural landscape by water from the comfort of one of the cruise boats while taking an atmospheric tour along the Havel river and across its many lakes. For example, go to Caputh, where you can see not only a palace built for the Great Elector, but also the understated house where Albert Einstein once lived. Or consider Petzow along the banks of the Schwielowsee lake; its palace, park, and church are considered to be one of the most beautiful rural ensembles constructed in the first half of the 19th century. In Sacrow, you can visit the palatial manor house and the Church of the Redeemer. You also can reach Werder by boat, which is always worth the journey, and not just during the famous Werderaner blossom season. For those who prefer the active water sports, they will also find ideal conditions on and around the lakes of Potsdam.