The Erich Pommer Institute - a think tank for the German Film and Television Industries

The Erich Pommer Institut is a center for media law, media management, and media research. As an independent institute, our studies follow the process of media convergence through research, advanced training, and consultation. Film, television, music, games, and mobile media are the focus of our work.

The institute operates as a think tank, where creative solutions are developed scientifically for media management, media policy, and media education, with the phenomenon of media convergence in mind. Expertise and consulting competence are the result of close contact with practical experience and research. The interdisciplinary, international exchange between the sciences, practical media experience, economics, and the political arena always remains in the foreground. The institute constantly maintains an independent position. The spectrum of subjects we examine reaches from questions concerning media management (e.g. film financing or TV format trade), media law issues (e.g. copyright law and licensing law), to practical and political aspects of media convergence and questions involving media utilisation and media design.

The Erich Pommer Institut was founded in 1998. The institute is a non-profit registered company based in Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany. The academic basis of the organisation is ensured by the Academy of Film & Television "Konrad Wolf" (HFF), Potsdam-Babelsberg, as its sole partner. The director of the institute Prof. Dr. Lothar Mikos is professor at the HFF 'Konrad Wolf'.

Erich Pommer Institut gGmbH
Försterweg 2
D-14482 Potsdam
T: +49 (0) 331-721 28 80
F: +49 (0) 331-721 28 81