Background info about comprehensive schools

The comprehensive school is an educational opportunity for all pupils and awards the following qualifications after the 10th form depending upon the results achieved by the student:

- preparation for extended vocational training
- preparation for further education colleges
- preparation for further education colleges with entitlement to attend the senior secondary school

Lessons in the school years seven through ten are given for the whole class or in courses, which are differentiated according to abilities, learning results, and inclination. Three of the city-run comprehensive schools also have classes in the primary department for school years one through six.
The early determination of the later education course is not necessary in the comprehensive school. This is an advantage especially for those pupils and students whose inclinations, abilities, and performance capacities clearly show up only during the forms seven through ten. On that account, special attention is given at the comprehensive school to the different learning prerequisites, the scope of individual talents and inclinations, as well as the differences in learning aptitude.

Young students who have attended a comprehensive school without a senior secondary school department and obtain the necessary permission can transfer to a school with a senior secondary school department after they have completed the 10th form at the present school.

The lessons during the grammar-school school years provide a deepening of general knowledge plus specialized education on individual subjects. The courses necessary for entrance to a university are also included in the school years 11 through 13. Attendance at grammar school courses is for a minimum of two and a half years and a maximum of four years, and concludes with a final examination.

When the final examinations of the senior secondary stage have been passed, the student is awarded an Abitur certificate (roughly equivalent to the A-level examination), which is the basis for university entrance.