The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

Although we already know a great deal about the relationship between oceans, ice, atmosphere, the seabed, and the worlds of flora and fauna, it is not nearly enough. The goal of the scientific work of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) is to come to a better understanding of these complex interactions. Polar and marine researchers perform an important service in learning more about these connections.

Polar and marine research are the main subjects of the earth's geosystem and environmental research. The AWI carries out its own research projects in the Arctic, Antarctic, and in temperate latitudes. In addition, the AWI co-ordinates German polar research and provides the equipment and logistics for polar expeditions.

The scientists at the Potsdam research office of the Alfred Wegener Institute carry out their work at the site on the Telegrafenberg hill. They are particularly engaged in the problem of the natural global climate changes and their effects. The main focus of their research lies in the Arctic.

Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Telegrafenberg A43
14473 Potsdam