Town Squares | Streets

About 285 years ago  as swampy Potsdam grew with the addition of numerous districts, large drainage ponds were built  which still characterize the cityscape in prominent places: the unity square Platz der Einheit, the baroque square Bassinplatz and the city square Plantagenplatz. Other spots were given their “green” character with a fountain or landscaping.

Many streets and paths are tree-lined. Linden trees, chestnut trees, pink hawthorn trees and oaks – each gives streets their own special character. Every year Potsdam can count itself richer by one more wonderful sight when the cherry blossoms bloom on the south end of the street Lindenstraße. Some of the promenades have a history which is worth pursuing: Hegelallee, along which the town wall once ran, or the streets along the re-excavated city canal.

Old Market (Alter Markt)

Das Foto zeigt den Alten Markt mit Potsdam Mueum, Museum Barberini und der angrenzenden Häuserzeile sowie dem Landtag und dem Obelisk.
© Barbara Plate
Der Alte Markt als Herzstück Potsdams wurde unter Friedrich dem Großen in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhundert in Havelnähe als römischer Platz gestaltet.

Dutch Quarter

The Dutch Quarter is equally popular with locals and visitors. It consists of 4 city blocks with about 150 red brick houses in a Dutch look – umplastered, with white joints, shutters and partially curved gables.

Brandenburg Gate in Potsdam and Luisenplatz

The gate, which resembles a Roman triumphal arch, had two architects and thus also two styles. Karl of Gontard designed the part of the gate facing the city on behalf of Frederick II. His disciple Georg Christian Unger designed the part of the gate facing the fields.